Michael Alig
Former "Club Kid" promoter has created a new art collection since he was released from jail, and our publishing director Atesh M. Gundogdu interviewed Michael Alig about his new artistic career.
Atesh M. Gundogdu: Hey Michael, to begin, what is the relationship in your work between meaning and aesthetics?
Michael Alig: Well, there is a relationship in any artist's work between meaning and aesthetics. My aesthetics are bold, bright colors, with a certain childlike, cartoony feel. I suppose you can surmise from that what you will!
AMG: What emotions are you channeling into your art?
MA: I don’t know if I can say exactly what emotions are channeled in my artwork, as it will be different for everyone. It's why there isn’t anyone definite definition of Art, because it is not the same for everyone. That's the beauty of it.
AMG: What images keep you company in the space where you work?
MA: The images that keep me company in the space of my work change all the time, sometimes due to the fact that I give things away, but probably more likely because they were lost or stolen. Because of this my immediate surroundings are in a constant state of flux: right now I'm surrounded by a box of Cry baby Tears candy, another box of Baby Bottle Pops, a half dozen toy cars, and a Warhol "Marilyn" print...plus several of my latest paintings, including a colorful "Stagefright Zoloft" and some pieces from my new "Energize Your Life" series.
AMG: How does your upbringing and personal life influences your work
MA: I think it's impossible for someone's upbringing and personal life to not affect their work. I look at my paintings and can absolutely see some white trash Indiana boy in there, as well as a few Clubland and of course Warhol influences.
AMG: What is your favorite title of an art work?
MA: I am assuming you are asking about my favorite title of my own artwork? It's a toss-up between "Michael Aig's Version of David Lachapelle's Version of Amanda Lepore's Version of Andy Warhol's version of Marilyn Monroe's Version of Norma Jean Baker" and "Michael's Cum on Hitler's Chin" (both sort of self-explanatory)
Michael's Cum on Hitler's Face
AMG: If you could live with only one piece of art what would it be?
MA: If you're talking about my own artwork, I'd have to say I'm partial to "Michael's Cum on Hitler's Chin," for personal reasons...
AMG: What is your favorite ritual?
MA: I have so many favorite rituals! I love my morning ritual of traipsing downstairs to get my large iced coffee with chocolate wafers and whipped cream--a breakfast meal I have yet to tire of--but, oddly enough, I rather enjoy my ritual of getting down on my hands and knees and scrubbing the floor of my studio every day before I begin painting. It's a German OCD thing: I can't start painting until the floors are clean enough to walk around on with bare feet.
AMG: What songs/albums are on your playlist nowadays?
MA: I have lots of Marc Almond and Vtalic... I'm sort of set in my ways, as far as music is concerned. I do like to be turned on to new music through from time to time. I actually really like the soundtrack from Party Monster!
AMG: Questions I can’t answer
MA: You know, just as it's nearly if not completely impossible to offend me, I don't know if there's a question I won't or can't answer. It's probably why I'm always getting myself into trouble!
Friday, May 10, 2019 | New York City